
Your on-the-go, instant access to a doctor.

About Us

Instadoc doctors are GMC resgistered, fully qualified GP's

Instadoc was created to remove the barriers to accessing a doctor. We aim to allow patients to access a GP instantly whether it be from your place of work, the comfort of your own home or whilst on-the-go.

How it works

Easy Steps


Select which service you require and complete the booking form. Select a date and time that is convenient for you.


One of our doctors will call you by phone or video at your chosen time.


If a prescription is issued, it will be sent electronically for you to collect from your chosen pharmacy.

Sick notes and referral letters will be sent to you via email.

How it works

Easy Steps


Select which service you require and complete the booking form. Select a date and time that is convenient for you.


One of our doctors will call you by phone or video at your chosen time.


If a prescription is issued, it will be sent electronically for you to collect from your chosen pharmacy.

Sick notes and referral letters will be sent to you via email.

New Patient

Our mission is to guide you on a journey towards lasting vitality and health. With a personalized approach, we address your unique needs and aspirations, ensuring that every step of your treatment is as individual as you are.


Our doctors are fully qualified, GMC registered General Practitioners with tons of experience. They can treat anything that you would expect your NHS GP to treat. Some of the more common presentations that we deal with on a day-to-day basis at Instadoc include:


Hair Loss

Ear, Nose & Throat Infections

Respiratory Tract Infections

Urinary Tract Infections

Sexually Transmitted Infections

Eye Conditions

Skin Conditions

Joint Pains

Sexual Health

Sick notes

Pregnancy related symptoms

Women's health


Want to Book an Appointment? Utilize our user-friendly online booking system.